How to generate infinite energy and fitness for lifetime?
Life is all about a planning for achieving success continuously over and over. Life is belonged to three phases as childhood youth and old age. Childhood and youth to the age of twenty or may be twenty-two is treated as the foundation of a physical fitness because this period paves the way to get a capable physical fitness for future.
Plays for childhood: Children could play their playing on the grassy field but it would be cleaned and free from holes. Children would play football, cricket, badminton etc. during the day in a bare foot to get a strong foot for the future. Childhood playing pave the way to enter the run competition at the age of eleven for a 100 m race with his other students at school and would try to show his best performance among the students or friends in the field. This could attract the interest to them and when they turn at the age of sixteen it would be the time to prepare himself for achieving success in running as it is a 100 m race or a marathon under a trainer. Runner should prepare himself for the 100 m event and the marathon.
Age: There are no age limits to start athletic programs but under a guideline by the trainer anyone can start in the grassy field for himself.
Athletic programs are responsible for causing injuries when athletes endure over pressure to perform their best which is the requirements. So those people who play sport games as football, cricket etc. since childhood and showing interest in it are naturally fit for athletic programs when they come at the age of fifteen or sixteen. This is time to achieve success here and fifteen to start till twenty-one is the period.
Runners at the age of twenty-two can leave out himself for the rest of life or the runner may continue practices if it is possible but the runner cannot receive over pressure on him to achieve success in a competition because with the aging runner's ability will be slow down and there is a chance to get injured.
100 m event: This event is Most important than any other events like 200 m or 800 m etc. in this section because this is the event where runners show their acceleration in the competition and try to run fast within a natural time (14 seconds).
In this event the runner have to focus on start up which can be made differences with others to the finish line.
So, hearing is the most important aspect in this event and with the start of whistle the runner has to press the left foot of his left leg to start the run swiftly and with the help of both shoulders runner has to hauling the full body to generate speed.
This moment the runner finds his upper portion of the body inclined towards the front on his running track.
Basically a sprinter has to start so rapidly with the whistle that the sprinter's listening and concentration ability should be at high level.
This is the turning point of life when a sprinter is leaving his right leg from the wooden rack and made the sprinter's journey fast to the fastest on the track.
Enormous steps of legs and rapid action makes the difference between runners to reach the finish line of the 100 m event.
Marathon: Marathon is a long distance run and to participate in the competition required a powerful lung with respiration.
Everyone can't achieve 1st place or any record but participation is important to finish the run with a maximum effort within a standard time and to enter the competition for a runner required to practice almost two years as it differs from places, body type, advantage, food, nature etc. varies from place to place for the performances.
The runner should participate in the marathon to get a powerful lung which is the target for future to make strong body.
Please search on Google and type marathon
Food selection: Runner could drink a cup of natural bitter taste water into empty stomach in the morning. This bitter substance is produced organically in the tree and can be mixed with water in the pouch at night before sleeping to extract its juice and then the runner could go to the ground to practice. The bitter taste water provides excellent energy at the practicing time. The taste of bitter would not be strong.
The runner can practice any time at diurnal but if the runner doesn't practice in the morning than the runner could take foods as daily routine and could practice as feel comfortable himself.
Benefits: Running is the ultimate solution of people's fitness and it is only the pick because it strengthens the whole body which can't be possible by other means. That's the reason it is so popular among the people.
A runner contains a good-looking and attractive, tall, thin body and face because running shades all the extra fat in the body.
Runners do not panted in their daily work. Runners would be known as a hard worker and without taking more rest they could work for a long time.
Caution: Athletic programs are cause to injuries so it is necessary to practice this programs under any organization or a professional trainer.
how much should i run a week to lose weight
The runner weekly runs is depending on the runner's physical fitness if the runner runs everyday this considers a solid ability of the runner but six days a week and one day rest may be considered.
how long must i run to lose weight: Runner to start slow motion walk a few steps to get the rhythm and then starts jogging sluggishly for a few steps. A runner practice jogging around two kilometers and after a two minutes break. The runner would start jogging again after the break and with the response of the body the runner generate speeds to run for a long time which maybe two hours. The runner could start again after a ten to twenty minutes break for the next two hours for jogging. Break revives the runner energetic and one day the runner's ability to run per kilometer depends on the contribution of time with effort for reaching the goal.
The runner is practicing for one year is going to receive benefits on and on.
What fitness is a runner achieved after one year of practice is depending on determining the runner's age, weight, heredity, body type etc. because when the runner contains a strong body naturally then the runner could achieve success affluently.
running to lose fat in stomach: Belly is an important part of the runner's body still the runner won't care about the belly or other fatty parts of the body because with the time being the runner improves the body and converts it into a strong body. The runner could exercise some free hand exercises to get a flat belly quickly when the runner accustoms and viable in the schedule tasks.
running weight loss plan
running for weight loss beginners: About weight loss solutions there are many articles in magazines, newspapers and others like TV channels, internet etc. If somebody is feeling to lose weight for more relaxation in their daily working and home life improvements then what will be next to do.
Over weight may cause unhappiness to workout the planning of future and with ageing it can break down the dream come true.
The main thing is to choose right side for making a body fitness gets its triumph for entire life.
So, here required careful attention to get rid of these issues for entire life living. Everyone who are fit at their teenage in their physical and mental health they could join for a military training and may get the benefits for a whole lifetime.
If said words have not been occurred on them then they may join local athletic clubs for playing any outdoor games.
Everyone should choose that programs which will bring the best fitness for their body and mind.
Football, Cricket, Basketball, Badminton, Run, Swimming are popular games in our life. Always important to play games in the green field where fresh air is available. Among all the athletic programs running is best but there also required personal trainer to manage and maintain the skills to perform in the training and exercises properly.
To execute the activities everyone needs to eat nutritional foods and take a sufficient rest at night.
If all the things are not happened in anybody's life and anybody fitness problems came up like weight issues then the best option is to get help of modern science for the primary step. It will be an easier process for a time saving and fewer efforts because modern science and technology makes life easier than the past days.
Everyone should choose that programs which will bring the best fitness for their body and mind.
Flat Belly Fix
At first I didn’t want to tell you my wife’s story…
It felt too private. Too painful. However…
The near-miraculous health and weight loss trick we stumbled on that literally saved my wife’s life and gave her back her lean, sexy and pain-free body is something too important to hide…
And until now that’s been the problem. This simple morning ritual has been sitting there right under our noses and has been kept from us by the folks with big budgets who sell the weight loss drugs and engineered diet foods…
However, my wife and I had to hit rock bottom before we discovered the powerful system I’m sharing with you in this story. Here’s what happened…
That’s what broke my heart.
That’s what forced me to go on the journey that changed EVERYTHING in my life and the life of thousands of men and women around the world who learned what I’m about to teach you right now…
The moment my beautiful, badass wife Tara… a woman who could take down a perp twice her size with nothing but a nightstick, who was the meanest power forward on her college basketball team and who could shut up anyone stupid enough to give her lip with nothing but her “Cop Stare”… woke up in a cold sweat, her jaw clenched so tight I thought she would break her teeth…
And then screamed so loud I heard ringing in my ear like I was at a heavy metal concert…
“Tara… babe… baby, wake up,” I said. “You’re OK, you’re OK.”
But she wasn’t listening.
She was “there” again… back in her squad car, watching a telephone pole rush towards her like a speeding train…
Bracing for impact…
Reliving the moment that ruined our lives…
The moment her body became her enemy…
The moment I started to lose her…
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